Karl Kopinski’s Thoughts on Photorealism

The skilled artist Karl Kopinski did a livestream with Proko discussing his character design process and answering viewers’ questions. At the end of the stream a very interesting question was addressed, essentially, “At what point as an artist do you stop striving for photorealism and embrace your own style?”

Character Design Process with Karl Kopinski (LIVESTREAM)

My Summary

  • Part of your development as an artist is recognizing what you do well that makes you unique and interesting, and not always striving for photorealism: your strength might be line quality, lighting, etc.
  • As you gain years of experience, simplify your art and engage the viewer by letting them do some of the work; like style, it’s not something that can be forced or else it looks contrived; it requires confidence in your abilities.
  • You don’t always have to prove you’re amazing at what you do; there’s always someone better than you; tell your story in your way.

Here’s a few pieces of art from Karl’s website.