Not Art

Work. Play. Death. Rest.

“Work. Play. Death. Rest.” by Nathan Parkinson, May 2024

What is life? A gift. A joy. A tumult of trauma and emotions, desires and disappointments. A longing. An empty lock awaiting the key to set it free. Work. Play. Rest. Death. Another soul for company. The young seek out a mate. The aged filled with bitter experience have lost touch with soul feeling. What is life? A vapour that cannot last the morning. This moment. Work. Play. Rest. Death. A sunny day. The moon. The rain. Laughter. Pain. What is life? A place to stay a while before it’s time to go. What is life? A fleeting touch. A dear embrace. A cold embrace. A buried face. Ticking time. Toil and grace. Distant strangers passing by. Standing near, ones so dear. Reach into the stream of souls and pull the lost ones home. Strangers, friends in disguise. What is life? Work and play. Rest and death. Kindness shown at every turn. Empty hearts. Filled with love. Filled with pain. Longing to be filled by God. Warmed by some great glory. What is life? Wondering. Wandering. Seeking peace. Find unrest. Asking questions. Wanting more. Needing less. What is life? No answer found in life itself. Come and go. Toss and turn. An empire rises, soon to roll over into its grave. Tyrants. Saints. Fools. Sages. All is vain and fleeting. But what is life? Why is this question never satisfied? Work and play. Night and day. Rest and death. Songs of robins in the nest. Dew wet grass. Flowers. Fields. Seeds to bring tomorrow. Reflections. Friends long gone. New ones waiting to be found. One life falls. One will rise. To keep the rhythm set by time. Work. Play. Death. Rest. Loosed from life, at last I’m free to meet my Lord. Eternity. From life to life I’ve passed into the purpose planned for me. Shining sons and daughters stand. Glory wrapped. Gleaming band. We who love the Saviour welcomed near in His embrace. Forever joy. Forever bliss. Free from sin and death and pain and free at last from longing. Hope has come. Here to stay. Here at last eternal day. The hope of nations is our God. Only God. Gracious God. Made a way to save our souls and still remain all holy. What is life? This is life. The second life. The lasting life. Where death has now been laid to rest, and all our work is play. What is life? It’s all these things. The journey to eternity.

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Fundamentals of Art

If you’ve spent much time in the art world, you’ve probably heard of “the fundamentals” and how important they are. Over the years I have studied how making art actually works and how to accurately define the many components. “Why is this useful?” By breaking a skill into its individual parts, you can practice each one more intentionally. Trying to learn everything at once or with a vague focus can make it harder to recognize your progress. For someone trying to master their craft, having a solid comprehension of the tools available is important.

The result of my efforts is the Fundamentals of Art document that I am now offering for free download on my Subscribe page. You can get your copy now.

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Major System Peg Words (Memory Tool)

This post is generally unrelated to art, but it features an extremely useful and versatile tool for remembering anything – the Major System peg words (see my full PDF list below). The Major System is a mnemonic technique which encodes numbers as consonant sounds (or in this case, groups of similar sounds); the consonants are mixed with vowels to form words; the resulting words serve as mental pegs upon which to hang (i.e. associate) things you want to remember. The following list is an example:

  • 0 – zoo (s,z)
  • 1 – tie (t,d)
  • 2 – Noah (n)
  • 3 – ma (m)
  • 4 – rye (r)
  • 5 – law (l)
  • 6 – shoe (sh,ch,j)
  • 7 – cow (c)
  • 8 – ivy (v,f)
  • 9 – bee (b,p)
  • 10 – toes

Using Peg Words

To use peg words for memorization, first learn the numbers with their sounds; then use the sounds to memorize a word list. Next create a mental association between each item from the list you want to memorize with the corresponding peg word. In your mind see the two items interacting in a bizarre, memorable way – in doing so you are hanging the item on the peg for later retrieval. Mentally-visually associating two things is the most effective way to remember something easily because it takes advantage of how the mind optimally works. This system enables you to memorize lists and recall the exact numbered position of every item in the list.

This system is very useful for memorizing passages of Scripture (even entire chapters and books) as you can create and recall an association for the beginning of each verse and link it to the peg word for that verse number. This association acts as a prompt for starting the verse.

Why the Major System?

I first learned of peg words from The Memory Book by Harry Lorayne and Jerry Lucas (this book is a fantastic resource for all things memory-related). You may be asking, “Why go through all the trouble of learning a whole memory system when I can use something more simple like one-bun, two-shoe, three-tree, etc. to accomplish the same thing?” The answer is extensibility. If you only want to memorize a short list of ten items, then more simple systems are great; but what if you want to memorize 50 or 100 or an undetermined number of things? Rhyming, alphabet, and other small-scale systems are limited in their scope. Using the Major System makes expanding your word list relatively easy by providing a predictable, consistent system which allows you to move between number and sound with ease (once you’ve memorized it and practiced, of course).

Peg Word List

I’ve created a compact printout for the first 100 peg words. I started with a word list from this source (which also has a great explanation of using the Major System), and then changed some words to fit my taste. The following PDF printout contains the peg word list in a compact format four times; so you can cut the page into four sections to create bookmarks or share with others. I hope the PDF is useful.

More about the Major System

Learn more about the Major System:

You may find the following website helpful in creating your own Major System peg word list:

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