The prompt for day 4 is The Goblin Snow Games, but I didn’t let the goblins play. You can see the full prompt on the prompt page. Below is my creation for this day’s prompt.
Ascending the Tower
Ascending the Tower by Nathan Parkinson, Digital, Feb 2023
The prompt for day 2 is The Great Space Bakeoff. You can see the full prompt on the prompt page. Below is my creation for this day’s prompt.
Show Host: We now present the dish Fishlev by contestant number 502,202,310. 310, do you have anything to share with the audience about these floating fish? 310: Well, I guess all I have to say is . . . get it while it’s caught 😉
Fishlev by Nathan Parkinson, Ink & Digital, Feb 2023
It was rather delayed, but I’m still excited to draw along with Drawabox’s 2022 Winter Promptathon! This is the 1st of 7 days of drawing prompts.
The prompt for day 1 is Hidden Amongst Us. You can see the full prompt on the prompt page. Below is my creation for this day’s prompt.
Here, Kitty Kitty
Ah! Christmas again. Snow graces the roof tops, decorations cheer the living room, and the yule fire singes the president brat – I mean the resident cat.
Here, Kitty Kitty by Nathan Parkinson, Ink & Crayon, Feb 2023
The prompt for day 7 is Fantasy Ice Cream Cart. You can see the full prompt on the prompt page. Below is my submission for this day’s prompt.
Carl’s Cryo Cream
As you leave the ring toss pavilion feeling regretful, you are cheered by the call of a wandering vendor: “Get your ice-cold cryo cream! Carl does it best!” The refrain is repeated often as a tinny-sounding music box sings playful tunes among the crowds.
Carl’s Cryo Cream by Nathan Parkinson, Ballpoint, June 2022
The prompt for day 7 was Junkyard Symphony. You can see the full prompt on the prompt page. Below is my submission for this day’s prompt.
Music Chair
Designed for an evening of musical relaxation, this Music Chair provides an immersive melodic experience where you can truly feel the music. Just sit back and rock your worries away.
Music Chair by Nathan Parkinson,Prismacolor & Ink, April 2022
Drawing for these prompts was a blast! I hope you enjoyed them.
Let me know in the comments which prompt(s)/drawing(s) you liked best, and which prompt(s) you might try yourself.
The prompt for day 5 was Decanter of Drowning. You can see the full prompt on the prompt page. Below is my submission for this day’s prompt.
Milk Eternal
Legend says there was once a land that flowed with milk and honey. Greedy warriors came in search of conquest, glory, and spoil. They cared not for the people nor their way of life. Consumed by their lusts the barbarians hunted the rivers to their source till they found the ancient sanctuary paved with gold. In this most peaceful place were legendary artifacts of every sort, but chief among them were the vessels of jade and gold that flowed with milk eternal. From the sanctuary ran rivers of milk and honey throughout all the land and the people were nourished. The warriors did not come to honour this place, but to plunder and steal. After taking every morsel of value, they destroyed that place and left the land in ruins. At least that’s what the legend says . . .
Milk Eternal by Nathan Parkinson, Prismacolor & Ink, April 2022
The prompt for day 4 was Mascot High School. You can see the full prompt on the prompt page. Below is my submission for this day’s prompt.
Wrestling Champ
[professional announcer voice] It’s the final round in this year’s high school wrestling championship. Mascots from around the world have come to witness this epic showdown. Ronald faces off with his chief competitor Jolly G. Ref Sanders is sure to have a stellar match on his hands. Which of these young wrestlers has what it takes to bring home the champion’s prize and honour?! Cast your votes now . . . ding, ding, ding
Wrestling Champ by Nathan Parkinson, Prismacolor & Ink, April 2022
The prompt for day 3 was Tea Time at World’s End. You can see the full prompt on the prompt page. Below is my submission for this day’s prompt.
Diner-scrap Kettle
“There’s gotta be a kettle somewhere in all this rubble!” I sigh as I search what’s left of the local diner following The Great Disaster. “I’m just dying for a spot of tea!” I keep searching. “Rats! Looks like every last kettle has already been snagged.” I eventually uncover a load of metal utensils. “Jackpot! Good thing I’m handy with a welder. Tea time!”
Diner-scrap Kettle by Nathan Parkinson, Ink and Prismacolor, April 2022
The prompt for day 2 was Mushroom Manor. You can see the full prompt on the prompt page. Below is my submission for this day’s prompt.
Fungi Ascending
As you reach the shores of this foreign land, your breath is taken by the majestic sight of the fungi palace ascending into the heavens. A fellow traveler overhears you exclaim, “What an honour to have been invited to such a prestigious realm. Bless the one who imagined such magnificence.”
Fungi Ascending by Nathan Parkinson, Prismacolor & Ink, April 2022
The prompt for day 1 was Cosmic Confectionary. You can see the full prompt on the prompt page. Below is my submission for this day’s prompt.
NovaPop 3000
Introducing the NovaPop 3000 (NP3K) by LicTec. Now sold in a galaxy near you! This digital lollipop has taken the universe by storm. Every child has to have one . . . or two. Equipped with a flavour selection screen the NP3K allows each licker to choose from a galactic number of flavours in the online library. New flavours are synthesized and uploaded daily. Don’t wait! Try them all!! The lolli’s colour changes to match the selected flavour, and the NP3K even includes a button to spin the lolli for the most convenient licking experience. What are you waiting for?! Head to the nearest Pop Shop and pick up your NovaPop 3000 today. Batteries not included.
NovaPop 3000 by Nathan Parkinson, Digital, April 2022
For a few months I’ve been working through the incredible (and somewhat monotonous) Drawabox course (I’m on Lesson 2 and really enjoying the challenging texture studies!). I’ve known about Drawabox for probably over a year, but I finally dove into it in January of this year to really nail down my drawing fundamentals. After many years of work, Irshad (Uncomfortable) — the founder and instructor of Drawabox — and his teaching assistants were feeling burnt out and announced Drawabox’s first quarterly drawing promptathon which ran from March 25-31. During the promptathon students drew from a new prompt each day instead of doing their usual homework and submitted their work for everyone’s enjoyment . . . and exclusive avatars, achievements, and bonus credits. The drawing for each prompt had to be completed within 24 hours of the prompt being revealed. It was a great community event which lasted 7 days and generated a ton of creativity.
Today I’ll just share what the prompts were, and then over the next 7 days I’ll share my artwork for each day of the event.
Drawing Prompts
Click on an image to read the full prompt description on the Drawabox website.
Day 1: Cosmic Confectionary
Day 2: Mushroom Manor
Day 3: Tea Time at World’s End
Day 4: Mascot High School
Day 5: Decanter of Drowning
Day 6: The Court of the Rat King
Day 7: Junkyard Symphony
Nathan’s Artwork
I look forward to sharing my art with you. I had great fun with the prompts, and I know the other participants did as well. I’d like to say a huge thanks to Irshad and his team for an incredibly inspiring week of drawing and fun, and I want to thank the Drawabox community for all the friendly interactions and support. The Drawabox promptathon was the final push I needed to get this blog up and running.
The following links will become active as each post is published over the next 7 days.