This is the 1st in a series of 7 drawings for Drawabox’s 2022 Spring Promptathon. You can see the intro to the series in this post.
The prompt for day 1 was Cosmic Confectionary. You can see the full prompt on the prompt page. Below is my submission for this day’s prompt.
NovaPop 3000
Introducing the NovaPop 3000 (NP3K) by LicTec. Now sold in a galaxy near you! This digital lollipop has taken the universe by storm. Every child has to have one . . . or two. Equipped with a flavour selection screen the NP3K allows each licker to choose from a galactic number of flavours in the online library. New flavours are synthesized and uploaded daily. Don’t wait! Try them all!! The lolli’s colour changes to match the selected flavour, and the NP3K even includes a button to spin the lolli for the most convenient licking experience. What are you waiting for?! Head to the nearest Pop Shop and pick up your NovaPop 3000 today. Batteries not included.

For Drawabox’s 2022 Spring Promptathon — Day 1: Cosmic Confectionary